Demon Hunter

Metal Redifined

The members of Demon Hunter started their band in 2000, inspired by other metal bands they had played for.
The founding and current members of Demon Hunter are as follows.

Demon Hunter strayed from the norm in the metal scene by being a Christian band. The metal genre in the past and pressent has not had many predominently
Christian bands due to the lack of audience demand. The creation of such a band is a bold move considering that many Christians find any metal to be non-Christian music.
If this bold move was not enough, Demon Hunter has made songs that branch from heavy metal and incorporate experimental elements.
One album that highlight Demon Hunter's experimental music is True Defiance.

  1. Crucifix
  2. God Forsaken
  3. My Destiny
  4. Wake
  5. Tommorow Never Comes
  6. Someone To Hate
  7. This I Know
  8. Means To an End
  9. We Don't Care
  10. Resistance
  11. Dead Flowers
  12. What is Left (Bonus Track)
  13. I Am Stone (Bonus Track)

I wanted to highlight the bolded songs out of the album. Means To an End serves as a sudden intermission between the rest of the songs of the album.
This song is only an intrumental and a calming one at that. This intermission signals the final climax and end to the album. The last three songs are slow and calm compaired
to the rest of the album. I Am Stone is the most calm of the three, but also uplifting. This song provides a theme of confidence and finallity to the album.

I am always interested to find bands that are not afraid to experiment with the style of their music. Although I don't enjoy all of Demon Hunters albums there are still
an interesting band to check out even if you are not a metal head.
You can find their website at